Heart carved into the tree trunk!

Compassion is sometimes the fatal capacity for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else’s skin.  It is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too.

Quote by Frederick Buechner


  • Do you have the capacity to feel what it is like to live inside someone else’s skin?
  • For many, that is too painful and they choose not to go there. Yet, the truth is we truly can’t have peace in ourselves until there is peace in others.
  • We are our brother and sister’s keeper..  How can you be more compassionate today or in the days ahead to someone less fortunate than you?


Two things we deal with our whole lives:  RELATIONSHIPS and MONEY. ONE of these will make us rich!

Quote by Dr. Dick Foth


  • People say they value relationships but really value money more. 
  • What do you truly value… Money or Relationships?
  • Demonstrate what you value today!


If you box people in, you will eventually box people out.

Quote by Cus D’Amato – American Boxing Coach


  • Do you only let people in that are like you… your tribe?
  • Are there people you are boxing out because they don’t think or act like you?
  • Are you open to people that don’t think like you, act like you, go to church where you go, etc.
  • Are you willing to open your world to include another who isn’t like you?