Anyone can listen. All you have to do is stop talking. But to be a good listener, you have to stop talking and be interested. Genuine curiosity is the precursor to understanding and a good listener helps the other person feel understood.
FROM: Quote by James Clear from his book ATOMIC HABITS
Toddlers don’t get afforded a lot of respect. They whine all the time about how unfair things are, and it’s difficult to take them seriously. Lately, in our quest for victory, we’ve established that some winners get there via whining, and perhaps this is a useful strategy. It seems as though working the refs, blaming the conditions and questioning the score is all good as long as it helps you come out on top.
In fact, whining isn’t resilient or scalable. People with confidence, power and reserves are able to admit when they are wrong, when things aren’t working and when it doesn’t turn out the way they hoped. If you’re hoping to demonstrate power, confidence or status, taking responsibility is a better signal than whining.
FROM: Seth Godin’s Daily Blog
Do you whine or complain how unfair things are?
Are you able to admit when you are wrong. when things aren’t working?
Is there a situation in which you can take responsibility for things not going right?