Sooner or later, they’re all finite.  And the way we allocate our time and emotional energy determines what gets done.  If we audited your day in six-minute increments, what would we find?  By the clock, how did you actually spend the time you have given to you (we each get the same 24 hours).  How much was spent on work? And the work time, how is it correlated with what creates the value you seek?

A questions that’s harder to measure but with far more impact, of the time you allocated, what was your focus and emotional drive spend on?  What were the crises and highlights of the last day or week?

There’s generally a gulf between what we say we did all day and what we actually did.  And there’s an even bigger chasm between the urgencies and emotional moments and the ones we know actually pay off.

When we give away our day, we give away our future.

FROM: Seth Godin’s Daily Blog post.


  • How do you allocate your time?
  • What has been your focus/emotional drive for the last day?… last week?
  • Are you happy with how you spent your time/focus?
  • Any changes you want to make?

REMEMBER:  When we give away our day, we give away our future.


It’s of no use to look back and say,”I should have been different.” At any given moment, we are the way we are, and we see what we’re able to see. For that reason, guilt is always inappropriate. 

Quote by Charlotte Joko Beck

Charlotte Joko Beck was an American Zen teacher and the author of the books Everyday Zen: Love and Work and Nothing Special: Living Zen. Wikipedia


  • Do you spend time lingering in guilt?
  • How can you accept the past … appreciate what you learned from it?
  • How can you live more in the now… move beyond what life would have been if it had been different?


We are never as close as we hope and never as far as we fear.

Quote by Dr. Gabor Mate

To learn more about Dr. Mate:  https://drgabormate.com/about/


  • I found this quote interesting… wondering what close and far mean.
  • I do resonate with hope and fear and how to hold both as a paradox.
  • What does this quote say to you?