View from window of Monasterio de San Julian de Samos

Real conversations are food and drink for the soul.  If you take time not as a kind of a product but as a mother or a parent of presence, then in the world of Spirit time behaves differently.

Your identity is not equivalent to your biography.

Quote by John D’Donohue

John O’Donohue was an Irish poet, author, priest, and Hegelian philosopher. He was a native Irish speaker, and as an author is best known for popularising Celtic spirituality.  Sourced: Wikipedia

For more about John, visit:


  • Do you conflict your identity with your biography?
  • How often do you engage in “real conversations”?
  • Do you take time to be really present when you are with another?
  • How can you be more present for another today … engage in a “real conversation.”


What if I told you that what the world needs right now is you – flawed, fumbling, wounded, trying-to-figure-it-all-out you?Because that’s exactly what it needs, you know- more velveteen-real people who are a little worn and a little weary, but who bring a whole lot of warm and welcoming and wonderful to life.

Quote L.R. Knost

Award-winning author, feminist, and social justice activist, L.R. Knost, is the founder and director of the children’s rights advocacy and family consulting group, Little Hearts/Gentle Parenting Resources, and Editor-in-Chief of Holistic Parenting Magazine.


  • How willing are you to show others “a little worn and little weary” you?
  • What would a more  VELVETEEN REAL you look like?
  • What if being “real”  is your best warm, welcoming and wonderful self? 
  • The world needs YOU right now… so be REAL!


Cease to inquire what the future has in store, and to take as a gift whatever the day brings forth.

Quote by Horace (B. 65 BC – D. 8 BC)


  • What percentage of your time do you spend thinking about the future?  The past?
  • How can you “be here now?”
  • What gift is today bringing?  This moment bringing?
  • Enjoy today’s gift!