Never denounce anything, unless you are going to announce something. 

Quote by Fr. Marciano Vidal – A moral theologian from Spain


  • Are you quick to denounce things?
  • Do you often criticize without offering a new solution or “announce” an alternative?
  • Examine your motives.


The gem cannot be polished without friction nor a person perfected without adversity.

Quote by Confucius


  • What adversity has “perfected” you?
  • What friction has “polished” you?
  • Is there an adversity you are facing that offers a hidden gift?
  • Explore this and work to see it through a new perspective.


As I begin my El Camino de Santiago adventure, this will be my mantra:

May I have the courage today to live the life I would love. To postpone my dreams no longer.  To do at last what I came here for and waste my heart on fear no more.

A Morning Offering by John O’Donohue from his BOOK OF BLESSINGS


  • What Is calling for you to be courageous today?
  • What is a dream you have been postponing?
  • What have you come here to do?