“I do believe you have a wound too. I do believe it is both specific to you and common to everyone. I do believe it is the thing about you that must be hidden and protected, it is the thing that must be tap danced over five shows a day, it is the thing that won’t be interesting to other people if revealed. It is the thing that makes you weak and pathetic. It is the thing that truly, truly, truly makes loving you impossible. It is your secret, even from yourself. But it is the thing that wants to live. It is the thing from which your art, your painting, your dance, your composition, your philosophical treatise, your screenplay is born.”

Quote by Charlie Kaufman

Charles Stuart Kaufman (b. 1958) is an American playwright, film producer, theater and film director, and an Academy Award, BAFTA, and Independent Spirit Award-winning screenwriter. Often regarded as one of the finest screenwriters of the 21st century, his work explores themes of death, insecurity, the artistic process, and the passage of time.  He may be best known for writing the screenplay (and eventual movies) Being John Malkovich. 


  • What wound do you have that is kept secret perhaps, even from yourself?
  • Can you rip the bandaid and expose this wound?
  • What can be born if you let this secret live?


Faith makes all things possible and love makes all things easy.

Quote by Dwight L. Moody

Dwight Lyman Moody (1837- 1899) was a predominant evangelist, author, and publisher. Raised on a farm in Massachusetts, he moved first to Boston, where he converted to evangelical Christianity in 1856, and then to Chicago, where he prospered in business. He gave up business in 1860 and engaged in missionary work with the YMCA (1861-73). He founded Moody Church and the Chicago Bible Institute (1889, now Moody Bible Institute.)


  • Reflect on these words.
  • What has your experience been?  Has love made your life easier?  Has faith made more things possible?
  • Share some extra love today to make life easier for you and someone else.


The real enemies of our life are the ‘oughts’ and the ‘ifs.’  They pull us backward into the unalterable past and forward into the unpredictable future.  But real life takes place in the here and now. 

Quote by Henri Nouwen  Henri Jozef Machiel Nouwen (1932 – 1996) was a Dutch Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian.  His interests were rooted primarily in psychology, pastoral ministry, spirituality, social justice and community.


  • What ‘oughts” and “ifs” do you say… or replay in your inner thoughts?
  • What percentage of the time do you  live in the past?  In the future?
  • How can you “Be Here Now?”
  • What do you need to do to live in this present moment?