Often overlooked is how uncomfortable it is to sit on a fence.  Get in, or get out.  Wasting time sitting on the fence wastes far more time and emotion than you’d expend committing to something. 

FROM:  Seth Godin’s daily blog


  • Today is March 4th… MARCH FORTH!!
  • Are you sitting on the fence on something?
  • Is it time to MARCH FORTH??
  • Take some action to get off the fence today.


It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking then it is to think your way into a new way of acting. 

Quote by Jerry Sternin

Jerry Sternin (1938-2008) is regarded as the founder of the Positive Deviance approach. An international development practitioner, Jerry served the Peace Corps for eight years in the Philippines, Nepal, Mauritania and Rwanda, and 16 years as a Save the Children Director in Vietnam, Bangladesh, Egypt, Philippines, and Myanmar. 

Jerry Sternin  is the author of  The Power of Positive Deviance:  How Unlikely Innovators Solve the World’s Toughest Problems 

To learn more about Jerry and his amazing work visit:


  • Do you think you way into a way of being/acting?
  • How can you act your way into a new thinking?
  • What does that look like?  Try that on today!


“I do believe you have a wound too. I do believe it is both specific to you and common to everyone. I do believe it is the thing about you that must be hidden and protected, it is the thing that must be tap danced over five shows a day, it is the thing that won’t be interesting to other people if revealed. It is the thing that makes you weak and pathetic. It is the thing that truly, truly, truly makes loving you impossible. It is your secret, even from yourself. But it is the thing that wants to live. It is the thing from which your art, your painting, your dance, your composition, your philosophical treatise, your screenplay is born.”

Quote by Charlie Kaufman

Charles Stuart Kaufman (b. 1958) is an American playwright, film producer, theater and film director, and an Academy Award, BAFTA, and Independent Spirit Award-winning screenwriter. Often regarded as one of the finest screenwriters of the 21st century, his work explores themes of death, insecurity, the artistic process, and the passage of time.  He may be best known for writing the screenplay (and eventual movies) Being John Malkovich. 


  • What wound do you have that is kept secret perhaps, even from yourself?
  • Can you rip the bandaid and expose this wound?
  • What can be born if you let this secret live?