Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence.  Sometimes, the darkest challenges, the most difficult lessons, hold the greatest gems of light.”

Quote by Barbara Marciniak – author of BRINGERS OF THE DAWN


  • As the year comes to a close, reflect on your darkest challenges.  What gems of light have resulted from your most difficult lessons this year?
  • As we turn the page to a new year, how can you imprint your intent on the universe?
  • What does that look like?  Write down a few ideas on what would allow you to emit rather than absorb.


Don’t speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke.  Your body doesn’t know the difference.  Words are energy and cast spells, that’s why it’s called spelling.  Change the way you speak about yourself and you can change your life.  What you’re not changing, you’re also choosing. 

Quote from Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee was a martial artist, martial arts instructor, Hong Kong actor, director and philosopher.


  • Are you aware of what you say to yourself?
  • Are there changes you need to make in what you say or don’t say to yourself?
  • REMEMBER: what you’re not changing, you’re choosing!
  • Do you want to make a different choice in your self-talk?


“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.  It turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.  It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.  Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

Quote by Melody Beattie

Born Melody Vaillancourt in Minneapolis, Beattie graduated from high school with honors. She began drinking at age 12, was a full-blown alcoholic by age 13, and a drug addict by 18.

Beattie authored 18 other books including Codependent No MoreBeyond CodependencyThe Language of Letting Go and Make Miracles in Forty Days: Turning What You Have into What You Want, published in 2010. Several of her books have been published in other languages.



  • Make a gratitude list.
  • Looking through the lens of gratitude, has some memory shifted to acceptance? 
  • How can you embrace gratitude to create more order, clarity… peace?