Directly experiencing a particular place can only happen if you manage to be present without your usual filters.  Otherwise, you might only be in your concept or idea of a place, whether it be your home, your work place or, for that matters, an exotic vacation destination.  That postcard from the edge may very well apply “Having a great time.  Wish I were here.” But you are! But you are!

Source:  Arriving At Your Own Door  108 Lessons in Mindfulness by Jon Kabat-Zinn


  • Where are you right now?
  • How present are you to what you are experiencing, feeling right now?
  • Is your life’s postcard suggesting “Wish you were here?”
  • Practice being more mindful today.


Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.

Quote by Albert Einstein


  • Is there something you need to understand better and by doing so you can have more peace?
  • What would help you achieve better understanding … self-reflection, research, asking questions, conversation with others, etc.?
  • Do it!


Spiritual hospitality – helping others live more fully, to love more fully.

Our deepest calling is to love.  Taking time to offer spiritual hospitality to the sick, the injured (mentally, physically, spiritually) those suffering makes it possible for healing.  Having experienced suffering and struggle ourselves, we can help clear the confusion and offer comfort to face what is real.  We can take our turn to hold the hand of someone who is sick, offer a hug for an exhausted friend or listen to their pain with an open and compassionate heart.  In this way, we can lighten their pain all the while, knowing they must cross this threshold alone.

Thoughts and reflections based on a daily reflection from Mark Nepo BOOK OF AWAKENING Having The Life You Want By Being Present To The One You Have


  • Is there someone in need of “Spiritual Hospitality?”
  • What can you offer with a compassionate and open heart to someone in need today?