When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.

Quote by Helen Keller

Helen Keller was an author, lecturer, and crusader for the handicapped. Born in Tuscumbia, Alabama.   She lost her sight and hearing at the age of nineteen months to an illness now believed to have been scarlet fever. Five years later, on the advice of Alexander Graham Bell, her parents applied to the Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston for a teacher, and from that school hired Anne Mansfield Sullivan. Through Sullivan’s extraordinary instruction, the little girl learned to understand and communicate with the world around her. She went on to acquire an excellent education and to become an important influence on the treatment of the blind and deaf.


  • Has one door closed?
  • Are you so focused on the closed door you have not seen what awaits you?
  • What new door has opened?

The Perfection Of Stuckness

“I am learning to trust stuckness as a vital and necessary stage of evolution  I didn’t always.  In fact, sometimes I still forget to trust my stuckness.  You know what I mean by stuckness…. that uncomfortable, icky place that feels like nowhere, nothing… where you can remember what it used to feel like to be connected… To others. To yourself. To Spirit. To your purpose. But in the stuckness all you feel is disconnect.  

What if you simply allowed the stuckness, for a bit?  Instead of resisting it, squirming in it, wishing things were the way  they used to be, .  What if you decided to view the stuckness as a resting place instead of a black hole?

What if you trusted the stuckness as a stage, an essential stage in your life’s grand plan?

What if you simply cut yourself some slack?

Take a look outside… It’s mid-November.  the trees are shedding their leaves, releasing their past, standing naked, seemingly barren.

Do you think less of the tree in the winter time, because it’s not producing blooms or leaves?

The tree trusts its fallow stage, for it knows that deep below, where its roots burrow into the earth, there is magic happening.

There is growth and change and evolution that we don’t see… the trees must experience their fallow time, in order to give us spring.

I think many of us are afraid that if we surrender to the stuckness, we’ll get swallowed up, forever fallow, lost in the darkness… We are so terrified of the darkness.  We are so resistant to the stuckness. 

What if you trusted your fallow time, and simply embraced it as a season? Knowing that seasons always change, and after the winter comes the spring, in all its brilliance, vibrancy, color and celebration.

What if you truly accepted the fact that the stuckness was preparation for the unstuckness, the dark is preparation for the dawn? Winter is preparation for the spring.

And whether you feel it or not, there is magic happening, even in your stuckness.

Written by Lisa Carmen Wang 

Lisa Carmen Wang is a former USA National Champion and Hall of Fame Gymnast turned serial entrepreneur, angel and crypt investor, keynote speaker, branding advisor, writer and executive coach.L


  • Are you feeling stuck?
  • Are you willing to consider this a “resting place?”
  • What if there is magic happening, even in your stuckness?
  • How can you embrace this barren, naked, shedding time?


Each of us, as we journey through life, has the opportunity to find and to give his or her unique gift.  Whether this gift is quiet or small in the eyes of the world does not matter at all – not at all;  it is through the finding and the giving that we may come to know the joy that lies at the center of both the dark times and the light. 

Quote by Helen M. Luke

Helen M. Luke (1904-1995) was born in England. In midlife, she studied at the Jung Institute in Zurich, then moved to the U.S. and established an analytical practice with Robert Johnson in Los Angeles. In 1962, she founded the Apple Farm Community (a Jungian Retreat Center) in Three Rivers, Michigan, “a center for people seeking to discover and appropriate the transforming power of symbols in their lives.”


  • Have you found your unique gift?
  • How have you given away … shared your gift with another/others?
  • What joy have you come to know through  your unique gift?