FEAR: a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. (Webster Dictionary)
F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real
F.E.A.R. – FranticEffort To Appear Recovered?
F.E.A.R.- Future Events Already Ruined
What is your definition of FEAR?
Do you live in fear and assume the worst before the threat is even real?
How can you embrace a new way to face fear and DO IT ANYWAY!
Before you agree to do anything that might add even the smallest amount of stress to your life, ask yourself: What is my truest intention? Give yourself time to let a yes resound within you. When it’s right, I guarantee that your entire body will feel it.
Quote by Oprah Winfrey
Is there something that you are stressed about? STOP and ask ‘what is your truest intention’?
What is your inner wisdom telling you? Are you listening?
Is there something that you are getting a yes to do?
If I insist on giving you my truth, and never stop to receive your truth in return, there can be no truth between us.
Quote by Thomas Merton
Thomas Merton OCSO (January 31, 1915 – December 10, 1968) was an American Trappist monk, writer, theologian, mystic, poet, social activist, and scholar of comparative religion. On May 26, 1949, he was ordained to the priesthood and given the name “Father Louis”. He was a member of the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani, near Bardstown, Kentucky, living there from 1941 to his death.
Do you speak your truth?
Do you listen to the truth of others?
How can you improve truth telling in your relationships?