There are two ways to get enough:  One is to continue to accumulate more and more.  The other is to desire less.

Quote by G. K. Chesterton


  • Do you have enough?
  • Are you still accumulating more?  If yes, what do you want more of? What are you hoping to be, do, have with more stuff?
  • Do you desire less?  How would this feel to ‘ have enough’ ?


” I remember early on how my grandmother would encourage me to envision even the smallest dreams down through my hands into the world.  She would say, ‘See it here,’ pointing to my forehead, and then she would take both my little hands and say, ‘Now see it here.’  Then she would laugh and say, ‘And soon, it will be here.’  With this, she would look around the room. 

For through her love, wasn’t Grandma creating me?  Don’t we help birth another the instant we encourage them to see with their heart?  Don’t we help birth the world each time we give someone confidence to build what they see with their heart? “

From: THE BOOK OF AWAKENING  Having the Life you want by Being Present to the Life you Have  by Mark Nepo


  • Reflect back… was there someone,  who through their love helped to ‘birth’ you?  Who was it?  How can you thank them or honor them for this support?
  • Is there someone you can help ‘birth”… give them confidence to pursue their dream?  Who is it?  What will you do?   DO IT!


Waking up, you may discover that your slumbering soul may have a plan for your life that is different from the one you had planned.  Perhaps you are discovering that your purpose has a much simpler requirement for living.  When you wake up to your purpose, you may realize that to heal your life, you must live that life that is yours to live, not the one society, our parents, spouse, friends, neighbors, business associates believe you should lead.  You have an internal guidance system (intuition/still small voice) that is there to counsel you, provide direction and support in your life decisions.  Letting go of who you thought you were will make room for who you really are to emerge.  

My own thoughts and reflections based on THE ALCHEMY OF FEAR    How To Break The Corporate Trance And Create Your Company’s Successful Future by Kay Gilley


  • What are you learning through this time?  Do you have much simpler requirements for living? 
  • Do you need to let go of who you thought you were to make room for who you really are?
  • What does this look like… begin to write about it.