“The life of every soul waits like a sheet of music to be played.  What good are we if never played? 

Remember, the flute is just something hard with holes until it is played… so too, the heart.”

From:  THE BOOK OF AWAKENING  Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have by Mark Nepo


  • Do you have music that is waiting to played? 
  • What is it?  What are you waiting for? 
  • What can you do today to create and begin playing your unique song?


There are four types of leaders:

The best leader is indistinguishable from the will of those who selected her.

The next leader enjoys the love and praise of the people.

The poor leader rules through coercion and fear.

And the worst leader is a tyrant despised by the multitudes who are the victims of his power.

What a world of differences among these leaders! 

In the last two types, what is done is without sincerity or trust – only coercion. 

In the second type, there is harmony between the leader and the people. 

In the first type, whatever is done happens so naturally that no one presumes to take the credit. 

Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu translation by Ralph Alan Dale VERSE 17


  • Everyone is a leader… what kind of leader are you?
  • Identify a person/people in a current leadership position.  Which type of leader are they? What can you learn about leading from them…  how to lead or how not to lead?


Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. 

Quote by Nathaniel Hawthorne


  • Sit down quietly.  Examine your life.  What brings you happiness? 
  • Make a list of your joys…. what you are happy and grateful for in spite of current circumstances.
  • What is one thing you can do to add  some happiness to you or to another person this day?