DESIRES… Post author:Anne Post published:May 1, 2020 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for. Quote by Greek Philosopher EPICURUS REFLECTION:Think back – what do you have in your life today that you once desired? Make a list.What are you grateful for today?
ENDINGS… BEGINNINGS… Post author:Anne Post published:April 29, 2020 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK All endings are also beginnings, we just don’t know it at the time. Quote by Mitch Albom REFLECTION: Life has changed dramatically for if not everyone, just about everyone. What is ending? Can this also be a beginning?How can you embrace this change? What is one thing you will do today to reframe the ending(and new beginning)?
LIGHT THE WHOLE SKY Post author:Anne Post published:April 27, 2020 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky. Poem by Hafez REFLECTION:How free are you in giving love? Is it conditional? How can you light up the whole sky with your love today?