‎⁨Riserva Orientata dello Zingaro⁩, ⁨Sicily⁩, ⁨San Vito Lo Capo⁩, ⁨Isole⁩, ⁨Italy⁩

What does the world owe us?

This question is a trap.  It’s based on scarcity and entitlement, and most of all, the world isn’t listening.  When more and more people focus on this question, it simply pushes us apart.  On the other hand, “what do I owe the world?” opens the door for endless opportunity.  When lots of people ask this question, the contributions add up, the connections are solidified and better is possible.  The best part is that waiting for the world to get things just right is exhausting and frustrating, while taking responsibility for what we might be able to contribute or lead can be energizing and fun.

Seth Godin’s Daily Blog


  • What do you owe the world?
  • How are you contributing to make better possible?
  • What can you take responsibility for – lead for change?


"Helen's Family farm" as seen in PBS's ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL

You can go to hell with out moving an inch, just focus on what you lack.  You can taste heaven with out leaving earth, just rejoice in what you have. 

Quote by James Clear from his 321 Thursday Blog


  • Do you focus on what you lack?
  • Do you focus on what you have?
  • Are you in heaven or hell?
  • Today, focus on what you have and rejoice!


Cease to inquire what the future has in store, and to take as a gift whatever the day brings forth.


  • Perhaps you are like me and spend some time thinking about the future.  Yet as the saying goes,  Today is a gift… that’s why we call it the present. 
  • What is a gift the day has already brought you?
  • Continue to awaken to the gifts this day is bringing you.