While it’s tempting to view our days as an amusement park with unlimited rides, that’s not really true.  It might not maximize our impact or enjoyment either.  In fact, we each have a limited number of tickets to trade in.  Limited time, limited opportunities, limited money and other resources.  How will you spend today’s tickets?

FROM: Seth Godin’s daily blog

Click here to learn more about Seth’s daily blog:


  • With the limited number of tickets, how will you spend your day today?
  • What ride can you take this weekend to maximize your impact and enjoyment?


There are no great acts of love.  There are only small acts done with great love.

Quote by Mother Theresa


  • What small act can you do today with great love?


Your biography becomes your biology.  The biography includes the totality of your choices, the things you feed your body, your thoughts, your actions, your food – the thing you feed your life. 

Quote by Carolyn Myss

Learn more about Carolyn Myss:


  • What does your biology tell you about the choices you have made in your food, thoughts, actions?
  • Is what you have “fed” yourself given you the desired outcome?
  • Is there a change you need to make in your choices … food?  thoughts? actions?
  • What changes will you commit to making?