Toddlers don’t get afforded a lot of respect.  They whine all the time about how unfair things are, and it’s difficult to take them seriously.  Lately, in our quest for victory, we’ve established that some winners get there via whining, and perhaps this is a useful strategy.  It seems as though working the refs, blaming the conditions and questioning the score is all good as long as it helps you come out on top. 

In fact, whining isn’t resilient or scalable.  People with confidence, power and reserves are able to admit when they are wrong, when things aren’t working and when it doesn’t turn out the way they hoped.  If you’re hoping to demonstrate power, confidence or status, taking responsibility is a better signal than whining. 

FROM: Seth Godin’s Daily Blog


  • Do you whine or complain how unfair things are?
  • Are you able to admit when you are wrong.  when things aren’t working?
  • Is there a situation in which you can take responsibility for things not going right?
  • Demonstrate your power … don’t whine!


“At the end of each year, I ask myself two questions:

  1. What do I want to create in this New Year?                                     
  2. What do I want to let go of?”

Source:  Patricia Digh from her book: LIFE IS A VERB: 37 Days To Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally

To learn more about this book:  https://www.pattidigh.com/books/


  • Great questions to discover …
  • What do you want to create this year?
  • What do you want to let go of?
  • Take some time to reflect and answer these two most important questions.


All that is eternal in me Welcomes the wonder of this day, The field of brightness it creates Offering time for each thing To arise and illuminate.

I place on the altar of dawn; The quiet loyalty of breath, The tent of thought where I shelter, Waves of desire I am shore to And all beauty drawn to the eye. 

May my mind come alive today To the invisible geography That invites me to new frontiers, To break the dead shell of yesterdays, To risk being disturbed and changed. 

May I have the courage today To live the life that I would love, To postpone my dream no longer But do at last what I came here for And waste my heart on fear no more.

FROM:  TO BLESS THE SPACE BETWEEN US  A Book of Blessing by John O’Donohue


  • As we begin a new calendar year, this is my prayer for you!
  • May you find courage. 
  • May you invite new frontiers. 
  • May you be changed.
  • May you do what you came here to do AND take the risk to begin!