JUST LIKE YOU Post author:Anne Post published:July 1, 2022 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK JUST LIKE YOUWalk gently on this earth with purposeful steps You share this space with seven billion human beingsAnd countless other precious life formsJust like youThey all want to be happyJust like youThey all need loveWe’re not going to survive unless we walk Gently upon this earth together,Until we touch something in others thatFeels just like the shards of our own pain,The fluttering warmth of our own joy,Until we sew their wounds into our heartsAnd seal it with our own skin Poem by Tara Brach – Inspired by the Dalai Lama REFLECTION:Just like you, others want to be happy… others need love.Do you engage in purposeful steps?Have you been able to touch something in another … shards of pain or warmth of joy?How can you be more purposeful in your steps (actions) today to touch another?
TASK: Find The Barriers Post author:Anne Post published:June 29, 2022 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Poem by Rumi REFLECTION:What barriers have you built up against love?Examine your barriers.How can you begin to dismantle them and free yourself to love more fully?
THE GLUE Post author:Anne Post published:June 27, 2022 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK Life is fragile. Love is the glue. A Bumper StickerQuote attributed to the Donkey Whisperer Farm REFLECTION:If love is the glue, how do you offer “glue” to someone in need… someone struggling from life’s challenges.What “glue” can you share today?