Breaking the generational cycles is hard.  Really, really hard.  But it can be done.  It starts with a still small voice whispering that there is another way… a better way.  That you have the power to choose your own path.  And then you choose.  And then it gets harder. Sometimes a LOT harder.  But, you persist.  And then something magical happens.  It gets better because of you.

Quote by L. R. Knost

Award-winning author, feminist, and social justice activist, L.R. Knost, is the founder and director of the children’s rights advocacy and family consulting group, Little Hearts/Gentle Parenting Resources, and Editor-in-Chief of Holistic Parenting Magazine.


  • Are there generational cycles you want to break free from?
  • What are they?
  • You have the power to make different choices.  What do you want to change?
  • Start today.


The things you avoid are the things you need to pay attention to the most.  These are the things at the root of your deepest struggles.  These are also the very things that will set you free.  WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO FEEL?

Source:  Zen Thinking – Words by Brian Thompson


  • What scares you?
  • What have you been running away from – avoiding perhaps even as an act of self-preservation?
  • Do you “should” on yourself?
  • What do you need to do to unburden yourself today?


Each moment of now is what we could call a branch point.  We do not know what will happen next.   The present moment is pregnant with possibility and potential.  If we are present in this moment, that naturally affects the quality of the next moment.  If we wish to take care of the future, the only way we can do that is to recognize each moment as a branch point and to realize how we are in relationship to it makes all the difference in the world.

From:  ARRIVING AT YOUR OWN DOOR 108 Lessons in Mindfulness by Jon Kabat-Zinn


  • Are you present in this moment?
  • Do you spend time worrying about the future?
  • How can you be present to this moment?