If you focus on what you have, you gain what you lack.

If you focus on what you lack, you lose what you have.

Quote by Greg McKeown 

Greg McKeon is the author of numerous books including ESSENTIALISM  The Disciplined Pursuit of Less and his newest book EFFORTLESS: Make It Easier To Do What Matters


  • Where is your focus?  On what you have or what you lack?
  • How can you focus (and appreciate) more of what you have?


Taking a risk isn’t climbing the highest mountain, 

it is rising up and voicing our truth

in the face of adversity.


A good investment isn’t selling a hot stock for gain,

it is giving kindness and encouragement freely

without any thought of return.


Authenticity isn’t conforming to be liked,

it is being popular with ourselves,

allowing our uniqueness to boldly shine.


Strength isn’t loud, boastful or cruel,

it is walking with quiet confidence,

comfortable enough in our own skin to be humble.


Beauty isn’t going out adorned in the latest fashions,

it is combing the map of our inner landscape,

in awe of our nakedness.


Adventure isn’t traveling to far-off exotic places,

it is being at home wherever we are,

exploring the deepest corners of our soul.


Intimacy isn’t wearing a mask of conformity,

it is a willingness to be fully known

while standing still in our humanity.


Love isn’t sexual acrobatics or romantic highs,

it is loving ourselves and another’s wounds

in ordinary moments of simplicity and splendor.

Poem by Michele Wahlder from her book of poems:  WALKING BY STARLIGHT – A Healing Journey Through Cancer

To purchase Michele’s book of poems click here:


  • What risks are you taking to stand in your full humanity?  To speak your truth?  To shine boldly?  To be humble?
  • Have you explored the deepest corners of your soul?
  • How can you love yourself and/or another despite deep wounds and human failings?

The REAL Enemy

Our enemy is not lack of preparation; it’s not the difficulty of the project or the state of the marketplace or the emptiness of our bank account.

The enemy is our chattering brain, which, if we give it so much as a nanosecond, will start producing excuses, alibis, transparent self-justifications, and a million reasons why we can’t/shouldn’t/won’t do what we know we need to do.

The enemy is resistance!

FROM:  DO THE WORK by Steven Pressfield

Steven Pressfield was an advertising copywriter, schoolteacher, tractor-trailer driver, bartender, oilfield roustabout, attendant in a mental hospital, fruit-picker in Washington state, and screenwriter. His struggled to make a living as an author, including the period when he was homeless and living out of the back of his car.  His first book, THE LEGEND OF BAGGER VANCE was published in 1995 and turned into a movie in 2000.



  • Is there something you know you should do but have excuses?
  • Examine your resistance.
  • How can you lower the volume (or change the tune) on the chattering brain and take a step to do what you know you must to face into your resistance?