Happy Valentine's Day

But no matter the medicinal virtues of being a true friend or sustaining a long close relationship with another, the ultimate touchstone of friendship is not improvement, neither of the other nor of the self.  The ultimate touchstone is witness, the privilege of having been seen by someone and the equal privilege of being granted the sight of the essence of another, to have walked with them and to have believed in them, and sometimes just to have accompanied them for however brief a span, on a journey impossible to accomplish alone. 

David Whyte – CONSOLATIONS: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words


  • Who has helped you on your journey so you could accomplish a life that was impossible to do alone? 
  • Who have you helped on the journey to accomplish the impossible?
  • Who can you thank today?
  • Who can you help today?


The source of healthy boundaries is self-love and self-respect.  When you learn to love yourself, you are less likely to put up with people who don’t love you back.

Source:  James Clear 3-2-1-Thursday! Blog


  • Do you have healthy boundaries?
  • Do you tolerate disrespect and mistreatment?  Why?
  • What does self-love and self-respect look like to you?
  • What can you do to be more loving to YOU today?


Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage.

Quote by Brene Brown


  • It takes courage to be vulnerable.  Are you willing to be vulnerable?
  • Do you have someone you can be completely vulnerable with?  Count yourself as lucky.. send gratitude to that person today!
  • Can you risk your significance and be vulnerable… tell your truth to someone today?
  • If not, what will it take to “expose” yourself?