“If we can forgive what has been done to us…

If we can forgive what we’ve done to others . . .

If we can leave all of our stories behind. Our being
villains or victims.

Only then can we maybe rescue the world.

But we still sit here, waiting to be saved. While we’re
still victims, hoping to be discovered while we suffer.”

Quote by Chuck Palahniuk is an American journalist and author of award winning novel, Fight Club (turned into a movie) among other books.


  • What has been done to you that you need to forgive?
  • What have you done to another that needs to be forgiven?
  • What story do you need to leave behind to get on with living?


The two most important days in a person life are the day they are born and the day they find out why.

Quote by Mark Twain


  • Do you know why you are here?
  • Are you living your ‘why’? 
  • If you don’t know your why, what are you doing to explore, identify that purpose?
  • Look at what brings you joy and build from there.


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Quote by Viktor Frankl


Too often, we believe we are helpless victims.  Yet as Viktor Frankl points out, we do have the power to choose our response. Space (breath, pause, time out, count to 10, etc.) creates the opportunity for us to “respond” versus react. 

  • Recall a recent interaction.  Did you react?  Did you respond?  
  • Is there a conflict you are currently experiencing;  a situation you feel victimized?  Is there a different response you can consciously make?
  • What response can you make that offers you freedom and growth?