Shedding the skin

Most things in life need a protective container in order to grow.  We can hurt ourselves, though, when we keep the fruit that is us covered too long.  We can go bad, can being to spoil within, if we stay encased in old plans once who we are inside has matured.  Perhaps when we move or change careers or relationships, we are trying to free ourselves of all that has covered us, even if it has helped us grow.  We may come to realize that it may be our way of loving that needs to be shed and not who or what we care for.

Source:  The BOOK OF AWAKENING  Having the Life You Want by Being Present To The Life You Have  by Mark Nepo


  • Have you outgrown a protective container?
  • Are you trying to free yourself from this covering? 
  • How can you love a different way?

What if vs. Why not

“There are two types of people in this world.  The what if’s and the why not’s…. don’t be a what if.  They are paralyzed in their analysis.  Be a why not.  Why not me?  Why not now? Why not us? Why not believe… and then see what happens next?”

Quote by Shelly Tygielski, founder of Pandemic of Love


  • What type of person are you (be honest)? Do you tend to ask what if or why not more often?
  • Is there a situation you are facing that could benefit from why not?  Explore this… see what happens next. (And let me know!)

Another View

When you see someone stressed, acting out or demonstrating bad behavior, what if you could view this from a different lens:

This person is not giving me a hard time, they are having a hard time!

Insight from a recent Ezra Klein Show podcast


  • Is there someone you are struggling with that you could have shift how you see them?Are they having a hard time?
  • With a change of view, how can you approach that relationship differently?