“Know that there is a Divine Plan of such majesty and glory that if you were granted a tiny sliver of understanding, you would expire in the brilliance of the Light of Love that accompanies it.”

Excerpt from Close To Home by Erin Caldwell


Know that there is a Divine Plan … really?

Sometimes it is so hard to trust all is happening for our highest and best. I often say life is best lived backwards because you can get the clarity of why things happened as they did.

What is challenging you right now?

How can you see this from a different perspective?

What if you believed this was happening FOR YOU, not to you. How would you view this challenge?


Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.  Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.  Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.  And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.  They somehow already know what you truly want to become.  Everything else is secondary.

Quote by Steve Jobs


  • Does the noise of other people’s thinking drown out your voice?
  • Do you have courage to follow your heart?
  • Do you listen to your intuition?
  • Stop, listen to your heart… your intuition.  What is it telling you? Who is it telling you to become?
  • Take some action. 

Trading Efficiency and Connection

According to Vivek Murthy, loneliness is a greater health risk than diabetes and heart conditions.  Loneliness is the biggest single health risk we are now facing – exasperated by Covid.

We often think if we are more efficient, check more things off our to-do list, we will feel more satisfied, we will be more successful.  Yet only being physically present for our loved ones (while checking the phone for incoming texts/social media updates,  etc) actually can leave us feeling disconnected and ultimately lonely.  Family and friends know when you are not present.  They know when the pull of the phone takes priority over them.  A great place to start is putting the phone down or leaving the desk and engaging in conversations the require you to be 100% present.  

We feel better about life when we are more connected.  Relationships matter!  Be present! 

Thoughts and reflections after listening to interview with Vivek Murthy – former Surgeon General in Obama Administration and lead for Biden’s Covid-19 Task Force


  • Take an honest inventory.  Where do relationships fit in to your daily life?  Does work come first or do relationships? 
  • It is not an either or but an and… yet reflecting on your life are you fully present for the people who matter most to you? 
  • Are you able to put boundaries around your work or phone usage? 
  • Evaluate how present you are and decide what changes you commit to making in 2021.  Your health and happiness depend on it!