CHOICE…. Post author:Anne Post published:August 24, 2020 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK We can’t choose who offends us, but we can choose how to respond when we are offended. Quote by Moffat Machinqura REFLECTION: Have you been offended by someone? Is the feeling still lingering? How can you choose to embrace a different response?
PRISONER OR PIONEER? Post author:Anne Post published:August 19, 2020 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future. Quote by Deepak Chopra REFLECTION: Is there some thought or action you repeat time and time again? Is it keeping you imprisoned?How can you do something different to create a different present.. a different future? How can you think/act like a pioneer?
WEAK… AVERAGE… STRONG Post author:Anne Post published:August 17, 2020 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK STRONG minds discuss ideas.AVERAGE minds discuss events.WEAK minds discuss people. Quote from Socrates REFLECTION: What do you spend the majority time discussing… ideas, events or people? Are you satisfied with that? Do you want to shift the conversations? If yes, how?