“Do you feel you have been angry long enough?”

Question from the Dali Lama to sujatha baliga ….  She is a survivor of child sexual abuse by her father.   She carried anger until her mid-20’s when she had a private audience with the Dali Lama where he posed this question. She now speaks publicly about the abuse and the path to forgiveness.  Here is a link to learn more about her and Restorative Justice: https://impactjustice.org/focus/


  • Is there someone or something you have a long held anger toward? 
  • Is it time to let go of the anger?


“Never let a good crisis go to waste.  It’s the universe challenging you to learn something new and rise to the next level of your potential.”

Quote by Kristen Ulmer- USA Ski Team – the best Big Mountain Extreme Skier in the world.


  • So many “crises” this year….  what have your learned?
  • What is the next level of your potential you can rise to?


The stupidity of people comes from having an answer for everything.  The wisdom of a continuous learner comes from having a question for everything.

I adapted this quote  … Original quote by Milan Kundera from his book:  The UNBEARABLE LIGHTNESS OF BEING
(substituted continuous learner … original word – novel)


  • Do you have all the answers… on everything? … on certain things? Observe yourself.
  • Are you a continuous learner?
  • What questions can you ask that you haven’t because you know/have the answer?