Amy Dickinson reflects on lessons learned as she shows herself the door…
Recognize and detach from your own need to control someone else.
Respect boundaries – yours and others.
Seek the counsel of people who are wiser than you are. Ask their advice, and listen.
Amy Dickinson – has offered advice on her syndicated column, ASK AMY for more than two decades. She is leaving this seven-day-a -week commitment – because she wants to. This is one of several pieces of “final advice” she shares.
Are you controlling? Can you let go and allow others their journey/lessons?
Do you respect your boundaries? Do you respect others boundaries?
Have you asked for counsel from a person you think is wiser than you? Did you listen to their advice? Is there someone you need to contact today to seek their advice?
Amy Dickinson reflects on lessons learned as she shows herself the door…
Work hard not to be defined by the worst things that have happened to you.
Recognize even the smallest blessing and express gratitude.
Be kind to receptionists, restaurant servers, dental hygienists and anyone who needs to physically touch or serve you to do their job.
Amy Dickinson – has offered advice on her syndicated column, ASK AMY for more than two decades. She is leaving this seven-day-a -week commitment – because she wants to. This is one of several pieces of “final advice” she shares.
Do you let the “worst” thing that happened to you define you? Can you explore what was the “gift” of that experience?
What can you be grateful for today?
Who can you show kindness towards today? Thank others who are serving you.
Strawberry pastry from BETTY'S Tea Room in York, England
Amy Dickinson reflects on lessons learned as she shows herself the door…
Find creative ways to express your feelings.
Admit to your faults and failings, and resolve to do better.
Ask for forgiveness.
Amy Dickinson – has offered advice on her syndicated column, ASK AMY for more than two decades. She is leaving this seven-day-a -week commitment – because she wants to. This is one of several pieces of “final advice” she shares.
Do you express your feelings or are you ‘armored up?” How can you creatively express your feelings?
Are you willing to admit when you are wrong?
Can you ask for forgiveness?
These are all tall orders. Can you practice one or all of these today or over the weekend?