Life is harder when you expect a lot of the world and little of yourself.

Life is easier when you expect a lot of yourself and little of the world. 

High standards, low expectations.

Quote by James Clear – Atomic Habits


  • Do expect a lot of the world or a lot of yourself?
  • Do you want a hard life or an easier life?
  • Set high standards with low expectations!


Real care means the willingness to help each other in making our brokenness into a gateway to joy.

Quote by Henri J. M. Nouwen


  • The holidays are approaching… that means parties and cookie exchanges and and shopping for gifts and more. AND for some it brings on a deep state of sadness.
  • Yet what we are really longing for is belonging… to feel loved and accepted.
  • Is there someone you know that is feeling broken?  Can you reach out today to help them?  Listen…offer encouragement.. be there to help shift to more joy.


There are no facts, only interpretations.

Quote by Friedrich Nietzsche


  • Think about a time you had an experience with another and their interpretation was completely different than yours.  You wonder, were we even in the same space?
  • We all see the world through the lens of our own experiences.  Conflict often erupts because we haven’t taken the time to understand the other persons view.
  • Is there someone you have a misunderstanding with now?  Can you explore their interpretation of your “facts?”