Sculpture at Independence Hall in Philadelphia

When the power of love is greater than the love of power, the world will know peace.

Quote by Jimi Hendrix


  • Are you peaceful?
  • Does you need for power (or being large and in charge) get in the way of being loving… peaceful?
  • How can you take steps to have your love be more powerful than you need for power today?


Establish yourself in VISION, not division.

FROM: A Course In Miracles Made Easy by Alan Cohen


  • Do you create a vision for others to follow?
  • OR do you create division?
  • True leaders create vision and inspire others.  They don’t cause division.
  • What kind of leader are you?


No one wants to do what they don’t want to.

When people find themselves engaged in activities they do not like, they live in the depths of despair; complaining and feeling terrible.  They never take the time to ascertain what brought them to the point where they were required to do something unpalatable.  And they rarely consciously consider what they can do to change the situation. 

Throughout life, you have the ability to alter previously set upon paths.  You have only to decide to make a change. 

Make your choices carefully.

FROM:  ABOUT PEACE  108 Ways To Be At Peace When Things Are Out Of Control By Scott Shaw


  • We all have to do some things we would prefer not to do and the reality is we must do some things we don’t like to do.
  • The question is… what percentage of your time are you complaining, feeling terrible, feeling stuck in a situation?
  • Can you make a different choice?
  • If you can’t change the situation, can you reframe …. choose to see it through a different lens?
  • Choose carefully…