I was astonished when I began to appreciate my defeats, downturns and disappointments.  As I began to perceive my misfortunes in a brighter light, I had to admit that “good” and “bad” events were getting harder and harder to tell apart.  Lately, it seems that bad things are merely those which I’m not yet prepared to handle effectively – and it also seems that they present themselves in order to help me increase my competence.

From:  A Little Book of Forgiveness by D. Patrick Miller


  • Looking back, is there a “bad” thing that occurred that resulted in a new and amazing life change for you?  Write about it.  

  • What is a “bad” thing that is happening now that you can see differently.  Write about it.


Out beyond right and wrong, there is a place.  I’ll meet you there.



Think of a situation where you believe you are ‘right’ and the other person is ‘wrong’.  What would meeting them in a new place – “beyond right and wrong” look like? Write about it.

BEcoming YOU

The thing that is really hard and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of BEcoming YOUrself.

Quote by Anna Quindlen


Reflect on a time you felt like you were totally yourself.
How can you BE YOU more often?
What would giving up on being perfect look like?
What is one thing you are willing to try to become more of yourself?