Who cares?  It’s a question we don’t ask ourselves very often, but a choice we make every day.  It’s tempting to not care.  If you choose to not care, you’re off the hook.  It’s simply to do as little as possible, avoid too much trouble, ask if it will be on the test, try to stay off the hook, so what… 

On the other hand, caring can lead to heartbreak.  Caring is a chance to make a difference, to actually be involved in what happens next.  Caring puts us on the hook and caring offers a chance to contribute.  When we care, we get to make a difference, and that creates meaning, the path to significance.

FROM:  Seth Godin’s Blog https://seths.blog/


  • What are you choosing to not care about?
  • Is there something you have chosen to not care about but could be more involved?
  • Caring does lead to heartbreak, significance and meaning.  What can you care about today?
  • What difference can you make in someone’s life by caring? Take some action… remember love is a verb!


The Wise:

Teach without telling,

Allow without commanding,

Love without possessing,

Care without claiming.

In this way, we harvest eternal importance because we never announce it.

From Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu   Verse 2

Translation by Ralph Alan Dale


  • How can you become “wise” today?


Comparison is the thief of joy.

Quote by Theodore Roosevelt


  • Comparison not only robs us of joy, it also sets us up for negative feelings toward another.  We begin to think who and what we are is not enough… if we had that car… that job… that house, etc… then????
  • What is robbing you of joy now?  Are you comparing yourself to someone else or what someone else has?
  • How can you appreciate who you are and what you have?