There are many people who, for whatever psychological reason, will attempt to drag you into battle, be it physical, verbal or psychic.

If you allow yourself to be drawn in and you win, you may feel a momentary sense of superiority.

If you allow yourself to be drawn in and lose, you may feel humiliation.

Is superiority peace? No it is an emotion based in ego gratification.

Is humiliation peace? No, it is an emotion based in loss of self esteem.

In battle there can be no peace – neither for the winner, nor for the loser.  

Don’t fight!

FROM:  ABOUT PEACE – 108 ways to be at peace when things are out of control by Scott Shaw


  • Is there someone trying to drag you into a battle?
  • Are you trying to drag someone into a battle?
  • Do you feel you need to win?
  • Don’t fight… choose peace.


We often see problems through the lens that we’re used to using.  The banker sees a solution around money, the activist might see an opportunity for social justice.  The technologist figures that a computer and more data might help, and the bureaucrat is looking for a system to put into place.  If a lens is working, that’s terrific.  If it’s not, perhaps there’s a mismatch between the tool we’re used to and the one that actually works. 

Quote by Seth Godin from his Daily Blog


  • Can you name the lens you see life through.
  • Is there a situation you are facing that would be better served if you looked through a different lens?
  • Is there someone who solves the problem differently than you?
  • How can you bring in another point of view?


As you wait for better days, don’t forget to enjoy today, in case they’ve already started.

Quote by Robert Brault


  • Are you waiting on a better day?
  • What if today is your best day yet?
  • Embrace that thought!