It is the unacknowledged hurt that becomes the wound.  If you hurt someone, even if our awareness comes years later, the smallest word or gesture – owning what we’ve done – can reopen the heart.

FROM:  Mark Nepo THE BOOK OF AWAKENING: Having the Life You Want By Being Present To The Life You Have


  • Did someone hurt you with a word or a gesture?
  • Have you hurt someone with a word or gesture?
  • Can you take some action to acknowledge this hurt?
  • If you are ready, reach out to someone who hurt you to take a step toward reopening your heart.
  • If you are ready, reach out to someone you hurt – offer a word or gesture to heal that wound.


Stop trying to heal yourself, fix yourself, even awaken yourself.  Let go of letting go.  Stop trying to fast-forward the movie of your life, chasing futures that never seem to arrive.  Instead, bow deeply to yourself as you actually are.  Your pain, your sorrow, your doubts, your deepest longing, your fearful thoughts… are not mistakes, and they aren’t asking to be healed.  They are asking to be held, here, now, lightly in the loving arms of present awareness. 

Quote by Jeff Foster

More about Jeff:  https://www.lifewithoutacentre.com/jeff-foster/


  • How aware are you of this present moment?
  • Do you often find yourself chasing the future?
  • Can you be present to your pain, longings, fearful thoughts?
  • Can you hold yourself… can you be present?


What one person carries easily, another person cannot bear.  We join strength with strength.  A single stick is easily broken.  Two sticks together are harder to snap.  Together we bear our own and each other’s burdens better, and we understand when the other must go it alone.  Sometimes holding is simply the ability to see a bigger picture.  Sometimes holding is support and nurturing help, and sometimes holding is holding back and letting things be.  In retrospect that latter is often sensed as profound help though in the present we might feel it as counter intuitive.  We are, after all, still present for one another though we are not “doing anything.”

Quote by Gunilla Norris, SHELTERED IN THE HEART

Her book:  https://gunillanorris.com/books/sheltered-in-the-heart/


  • Can you discern when to support and nurture or when to hold back and let things be?
  • Is there a situation you are facing (or a friend) now that may require support?
  • Is there a situation you are facing (or supporting a friend through) where you should hold back?
  • Take some time to discern the best approach – even if it is just being present!