“I don’t think being human has any place for guilt. Contrition, yes. Guilt, no. Contrition means you tell God you are sorry and you’re not going to do it again and you start off afresh. All the damage you’ve done to yourself, put right. Guilt means you go on and on belaboring and having emotions and beating your breast and being ego-fixated. Guilt is a trap. People love guilt because they feel if they suffer enough guilt, they’ll make up for what they’ve done. Whereas, in fact, they’re just sitting in a puddle and splashing. Contrition, you move forward. It’s over. You are willing to forgo the pleasures of guilt.”
Quote from Sister Wendy Beckett a Roman Catholic Nun – as quoted in BROKEN OPEN How Difficult Time Can Help Us Grow by Elizabeth Lesser
- Are you living with guilt? What guilt trap are you caught in?
- Are you willing to STOP feeling guilty?
- Are you willing to seek contrition? Are you willing to tell God… tell someone you are sorry?
- How can you embrace contrition so you can move forward?