There are many people who, for whatever psychological reason, will attempt to drag you into battle, be it physical, verbal or psychic.
If you allow yourself to be drawn in and you win, you may feel a momentary sense of superiority.
If you allow yourself to be drawn in and lose, you may feel humiliation.
Is superiority peace? No it is an emotion based in ego gratification.
Is humiliation peace? No, it is an emotion based in loss of self esteem.
In battle there can be no peace – neither for the winner, nor for the loser.
Don’t fight!
FROM: ABOUT PEACE – 108 ways to be at peace when things are out of control by Scott Shaw
- Is there someone trying to drag you into a battle?
- Are you trying to drag someone into a battle?
- Do you feel you need to win?
- Don’t fight… choose peace.