EMBRACING CHANGE FOR INNER PEACE Post author:Anne Post published:November 17, 2023 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK an eon’s worth of sorrowpain gathered through the agesan ancient feeling of lossthe struggle has continuedinside of youfor long enoughthe light of acceptancesettles the agitationand opens the door to letting gowhat you felt beforewill not always leave quietlysometimes the past will roarthrough your sensationsas you cut the rootof what you held for far too long(silence) Poem excerpted from the way forward by yung pueblo REFLECTION:Do you have an attachment to who you used to be?Reflecting, do you have a different view of the world, different preferences, different likes and dislikes (different than your view 25, 10, 5 or even 1 year ago?)What have you outgrown?Can you embrace a new expression of you? You Might Also Like WORK IN PROGRESS December 4, 2023 HAVING ENOUGH June 5, 2020 Shedding the skin September 21, 2020