You are the laboratory and everyday is an experiment. Go and find what is new and unexpected.
Quote by Joel Elkes
Joel Elkes (1913- 2015, Sarasota) was a leading medical researcher specializing in the chemistry of the brain. He qualified as a physician in London and later became a medical researcher who published the first double-blind scientific trial on chlorpromazine to treat schizophrenia. He is regarded as the father of modern neuropsychopharmacology and directed the first experimental psychiatric Uffculme Clinic in Birmingham, BUK. He was responsible for the setting up of international organizations and university departments to further the investigation of the effects of psychopharmacy. He spent the latter part of his career endeavoring to bring higher levels of humanity, compassion and ethics to medical training.
- Today is an experiment. What kind of laboratory have you set up?
- What new and unexpected discovery can you make today?
- Experiment!