IF… WHEN Post author:Anne Post published:December 18, 2020 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK We all have them.“If _______ happens, then I’ll do _______.”If this emergency passes, then I’ll take a break. If this customer closes, then I’ll invest in my education.If we get this finished, then we’ll focus on that.Too often, the ifthen is nothing but a stall. As a result, we burn trust, and worse, postpone a future we’d like to spend time living in. Take your ifthen’s seriously. The future always happens sooner than we expect. Source: Seth Godin’s Daily Blog Post. REFLECTION:What “ifthens” do you have?Is it time to stop the stall?What is a future you are postponing that you can begin living in now? You Might Also Like HOW YOU ANSWER THE CALL January 22, 2020 TWO QUESTIONS January 4, 2023 FINDING HAPPINESS March 11, 2024