“Nursing a grievance – treating our intimate partner, as someone to get back at, or resenting how badly life or other people have treated us – is a self destructive act. For in wanting to hurt or reject someone or something we resent, we unwittingly wind up hurting or rejecting ourselves at the same time…The mood of grievance shuts down the channel through which love could enter into us, cutting us off from its healing and regenerative power… It is often hard to let ourselves receive love even when it is available. To let love in requires us to melt.”
Quote by John Welwood from his book: “Perfect Love, Imperfect Relationships”
- When you are hurt or rejected, how do you react?
- For many people being vulnerable is so difficult. Our ego doesn’t want us to let our guard down. In an effort to protect ourselves, we can cut off the power of love and healing.
- Yet, love requires us to melt! What does that look like for you?