Many people suffer because of the false supposition on which they have based their lives. That supposition is that there should be no fear or loneliness, no confusion or doubt. But these sufferings can only be dealt with creatively when they are understood as wounds integral to our human condition.
Quote by Henri J. Nouwen from his book The Wounded Healer
Check out this book: https://henrinouwen.org/read/the-wounded-healer/
- Do you believe you should not struggle with loneliness, doubt, fear?
- Are you able to accept these as part of the human condition?
- When have you experienced some of these conditions in the past? Was there a creative way you dealt with them?
- Is there a struggle you are dealing with now?
- Can you see this as an integral wound that makes you human?
- How can you creatively deal with loneliness, fear, doubt or confusion that is present now?