Peace cannot be kept by force.  It can only be achieved by understanding.

Quote by Albert Einstein


  • Our great challenge is to understand others.  It is easy to judge, easy to blame, point fingers and be self righteous.
  • How can you better understand someone who has a completely different view from you?
  • What conversation can you have today to understand someone who has a different view than you?


Eagle in search...

Truth is a totality of all perspectives therefore everything we say is also just a perspective.

Quote by Asil Toksal


  • Can there be truth in everyone’s perspective –  some truth?
  • What is the lens you see life through? 
  • Is there another perspective you are not seeing?  Could another’s perspective also be valid?
  • Are you open to looking at a situation from a different lens?   Explore…


I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and in thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching


  • Simple in actions…there is a belief that simple is not sophisticated and so we can make things more complex and appear upscale. Do you make things more complex? Is there an easy, simple solution/choice?
  • Patience is a virtue for a reason.  It can be hard yet it can make life much smoother.  Do you have patience?  Is there something you are dealing with now that would benefit from some patience?  What is it?
  • Compassion toward yourself and others.  Easier said than done and yet this is a magic potion that can lead to a more peaceful existence.  How can you have greater compassion for yourself and others today?