This is light hitting the trees... yes they are fall leaves but it is the sun rising that gives off the orange hue!

They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing.

Hindu Proverb


  • Do you give unconditionally?
  • How generous are you?
  • Do you withhold from others… whether that be love, your time, talent or treasure?
  • As we approach this season of “Thanksgiving” examine you willingness to give.


Adopt gratitude as the basic tenor of one’s life – gratitude for being alive, for being free, healthy, and intelligent; gratitude for the senses and their pleasures, the mind and its adventures, the soul and its delights.

Quote by Johannes A. Gaertner


  • Are you grateful for being alive?
  • How can you adopt more of an attitude of gratitude?
  • GIVE THANKS for the adventures and delights you are experiencing in your life.


“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.”

Quote by Doug Larson


  • Do you listen more than you talk?
  • Do you need to listen more?
  • What wisdom have you learned by listening more?
  • Try listening more today… ask – ‘Have I got you?’ when engaged in a conversation with another. Clarify that you get the gist of what they are really saying.