… It is not we who are permitted to ask about the meaning of life — it is life that asks the questions, directs questions at us… We are the ones who must answer, must give answers to the constant, hourly question of life, to the essential “life questions.”  It is our decisions that provide the answer.

FROM:  Viktor Frankl from his article:  It Is Life That Asks The Questions

To read the full article, click here:


  • What questions is life asking of you?
  • What answers have you given to the questions of life?
  • Examine your decisions… what are some of your answers?


… Aren’t we taught that mobility is freedom, whether it is moving from state to state, or from marriage to marriage, or adventure to adventure?  Aren’t we convinced that upward mobility, moving from job to job is the definition of success?

There is nothing wrong with improving our conditions.  The catch is when we are asked to give up our voice in order to move freely, when we are asked to silence what makes us unique in order to be successful.  When not making waves means giving up our chance to dive into the deep, then we are bartering our access to our authentic self for a better driveway.

Quote by Mark Nepo THE BOOK OF AWAKENING  Having The Life You Want By Being Present to The Life You Have


  • Do you own your voice?
  • Do you give up or give in in order to fit in/move up?
  • What has that cost you?
  • Are you willing to continue to sacrifice you for “a better driveway?”


If you can be content right now, then you’ll always be content, because it’s always right now.

Quote by Willie Nelson


  • How content are you right now?
  • How can you embrace the now?