Be crumbled.  So wild flowers will come up where you are.  You have been stony for too many years.  Try something different. 


Poem by RUMI


  • Have you been ‘stony’ for many years?
  • Have you been “crumbled?”
  • Are you willing to try something different?
  • What does surrender look like?
  • Try surrendering.


The purpose of most communications isn’t to completely explain yourself.  Too often, we get stuck relieving tension, making our case and closing the door on the discussion. 

The purpose is to open the door to interaction, learning and action.  (Knock, Knock) “Who’s there?” is a fine response to hope for.  

FROM:  Seth Godin  and his Daily Blog post


  • Do you find you often are in a cycle of “explaining yourself” to others?
  • What do you do to relieve tension when you are in conflict with another?
  • Do you just “go along to get along?”
  • Do you make a case for your view?
  • Or, do you just close the door on a discussion?
  • How can you open the door to a “courageous conversation”?


Community means that people come together around the table, not just to feed their bodies, but to feed their minds and their relationships.

Quote by Henri J. M. Nouwen


  • What do you do to build a sense of  community?
  • Do to bring people together … to feed their bodies as well as their minds.
  • Is there a step you can take to support building relationships with others? …perhaps hosting a dinner party or a gathering of some kind with the intention of building relationships?… growing a community?
  • Take some action.