In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.  And that makes me happy.  For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.

Quote by Albert Camus

Albert Camus (1913 – 1960) was a French philosopher, author, and journalist. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature at the age of 44 in 1957, the second-youngest recipient in history. His works include The Stranger, The Plague, The Myth of Sisyphus, The Fall, and The Rebel.


  • Do you know that part of you that is an “invincible summer?”
  • What have you experienced that proved your ability to be stronger, better, push back?
  • Is there something in your life that is pushing hard against you?  How can you tap into that invincible summer of your being?


You are the artist of your life.

Don’t give up the paintbrush.


Quote by Iva Ursano from her book:  The Shear Truth: 10 Things Your Hairstylist Wants You To Know


  • How much of your life canvas have you painted?
  • Did you allow others to use your paintbrush?
  • Do you like the life you have painted so far?
  • What do you want to paint on a new life canvas?


The way we face the world alters the way we see the world.

Quote by David Whyte from his book: CONSOLATIONS The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words


  • Do you need to alter the way you face the world?
  • Identify a situation you are facing.  How can you face it differently to be able to “see” it differently?