Taking a risk isn’t climbing the highest mountain,
it is rising up and voicing our truth
in the face of adversity.
A good investment isn’t selling a hot stock for gain,
it is giving kindness and encouragement freely
without any thought of return.
Authenticity isn’t conforming to be liked,
it is being popular with ourselves,
allowing our uniqueness to boldly shine.
Strength isn’t loud, boastful or cruel,
it is walking with quiet confidence,
comfortable enough in our own skin to be humble.
Beauty isn’t going out adorned in the latest fashions,
it is combing the map of our inner landscape,
in awe of our nakedness.
Adventure isn’t traveling to far-off exotic places,
it is being at home wherever we are,
exploring the deepest corners of our soul.
Intimacy isn’t wearing a mask of conformity,
it is a willingness to be fully known
while standing still in our humanity.
Love isn’t sexual acrobatics or romantic highs,
it is loving ourselves and another’s wounds
in ordinary moments of simplicity and splendor.