INVITE JOY Post author:Anne Post published:June 14, 2021 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK When we invite JOY into our daily routine, we are no longer yearning for the far off day when it might arrive. That day is always today. Quote from Greg McKeown from his book: EFFORTLESS: Make It Easier To Do What Matters Most. REFLECTION:Do you invite JOY into your daily routines?How can you add more joy to this day?
DEVELOP COURAGE Post author:Anne Post published:June 11, 2021 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK Develop enough courage so you can stand up for yourself and then stand up for somebody else. Quote by Maya Angelou REFLECTION:Reflect on your courage. Can you stand up for yourself?Can you stand up for someone else? Who?
A NAME CHANGE Post author:Anne Post published:June 9, 2021 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK FIRST HE LOOKED CONFUSEDI could not lie anymore so I started to call my dog ‘God.’ First he looked confused,Then he started smiling, then he even danced.I kept at it: now he doesn’t even bite.I am wondering if this might work on people? Poem by Sant TukaramSant Tukaram (1608 – 1650) was a 17th-century Marathi poet and sant, popularly known as Tuka, Tukobaraya, Tukoba in Maharashtra REFLECTION:What if you called someone by a new name? What might happen?Experiment