There are two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle.

Quote by Albert Einstein


  • How do you see the world… as though nothing is a miracle or everything is a miracle?
  • How can you look at life through the miracle lens?


“Don’t ask what the world needs.  Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go out and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Quote by Howard Thurman, author, theologian, civil rights leader (1899 – 1981)


  • Ask yourself: what makes you come alive?
  • Are you doing that?
  • How alive are you?
  • How can you come alive … more alive today?



Listening TO: listening to content

Listening FOR:  what are you listening for… 

  •  your agenda
  •  proof you are right and they align with your viewpoint
  • proof they are wrong and you are gathering ammunition to fight back

Listening FROM: How are you listening? From …

  • curiosity 
  • wanting to understand a different viewpoint
  • learning
  • compassion
  • genuine interest

Thoughts and reflection from COMMUNE podcast with Jeff Krasno with Justin MIchael Williams 


  • Reflect on a recent “charged” conversation.   Were you listening TO, FOR, FROM?
  • Is there a “courageous conversation” you need to have?  How do you want to listen?
  • Is there a strained relationship that could benefit from a new way of listening?  Think about how you might listen Practice really listening and see what happens.  Let me know how it goes!