What we know of other people is only our memory of the moments during which we knew them. And they have changed since then….
We must also remember that at every meeting we are meeting a Stranger.
Excerpt from the play: THE COCKTAIL PARTY by T.S. Eliot
We often form an opinion of a person based on behavior we believe to be acceptable or unacceptable. We can lock on to that belief and decide that is ‘who they are.” We forget that at every moment we can become new.
What if you could open to the possibility you are meeting a stranger. How would that change/shift that relationship?
My beloved child, break your heart no longer. Each time you judge yourself you break your own heart.
You stop feeding on the love, which is the wellspring of your vitality. The time has come, your time To live, to celebrate… and to see the goodness that you are…
Let no one, no thing, no idea or ideal obstruct you If one comes, even in the name of “Truth”, forgive it for its unknowing
Do not fight Let go And breathe – into the goodness that you are.
Poem by Swami Kripalvananda
If you are like me, you often judge yourself. Yet I know this serves no one, least of all, me. How can you stop breaking your own heart and see the goodness that is you?
“Then it was as if I suddenly saw the secret beauty of their hearts, the depth of their hearts where neither sin nor knowledge could reach, the core of reality, the person that each one is in the eyes of the Divine. If only they could see themselves as they really are, if only we could see each other that way all the time, there would be no more need for war, for hatred, for greed, for cruelty. I suppose the big problem would be that we would fall down and worship each other.”
Quote by Thomas Merton – Trappist Monk, Christian Mystic 1915 – 1968
How can you see yourself in a new way with ‘eyes of the Divine’ – with loving kindness?
How can you see another today with the “eyes of the Divine?”