- Post author:Anne
- Post published:January 25, 2021
- Post category:THE DAILY SPARK

Struggling to discover your purpose… your why for being? According to Stephi Cohen, you can discover it by finding the balance between your skills, talents and passion.
What are skills?
SKILLS definition*: a learned power of doing something competently : a developed aptitude or ability
What are talents?
TALENTS definition*: a special often athletic, creative, or artistic aptitude; the natural endowments of a person
What is passion?
PASSION definition*: a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept
*Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Stephi Cohen is a 25x World Record Holding Powerlifter,
Author, Podcast Host, and owner of Hybrid Performance Method.
- What skills have you learned and perform with a level of competency?
- What special talents – natural endowments do you possess?
- What activities, things do you love to do? What is something you are passionate about?
- Looking at the intersection of these three components, can you gain clarity on your why? your purpose? Reflect … go on a discovery journey.