LADDER LEANING Post author:Anne Post published:September 9, 2020 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step you take just gets you to the wrong place faster. Quote by Stephen R. Covey REFLECTION:Where is your ladder leaning?Does it need to be moved? Repositioned? Removed?
LISTEN Post author:Anne Post published:September 7, 2020 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK Listen to silence. It has much to say. RUMI – 13th Centry Persian Poet REFLECTION:What are you not hearing because you are talking too much? Try being silent even if only for a few minutes. What is it saying that you have not heard?
TWO CHOICES Post author:Anne Post published:September 4, 2020 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK When you wake up in the morning, you have two choices… go back to sleep and dream your dreams or wake up and chase those dreams! Quote by Carmelo Anthony REFLECTION:Did you wake up today or go back to sleep (physically or metaphorically)?Is there a dream you want to chase? Wake Up! Get going!